CEMS Alumni of the Year 2016, May Candidate: Thibaut Kleiner

The CEMS Alumni of the Year is a joint campaign by the CAA in close collaboration with the CEMS Student Board, which gives the CEMS community the opportunity to learn about CEMS alumni on a monthly basis and vote for the favorite candidate as the CEMS Alumni of the Year.

Meet Thibaut Kleiner, who is the May candidate for the CEMS Alumni of the Year 2016 election.

30 May 2016

Disrupt Inside, a Look Back at the CEMS V4 Conference

The V4 Conference is an annual CEMS event in Central Europe, hosted on a rotating basis by CEMS member schools of the Visegrad Group. This year, the conference took place in Budapest between the 20th and 22nd of April, under the topic ‘Disrupt Inside’.

The event opened with two panel discussions by the Lesław A. Paga Foundation, debating the possibility of a new Silicon Valley in the CEE region and disruptive trends in the energy sector.

26 May 2016

Catching up with CEMSies: Vojtech Knespl, Groupe SEB

Many CEMS students have chosen to do their internships with CEMS Corporate Partners. In this interview series, we investigate how they’ve been doing. Today, we catch up with Vojtech Knespl, who has completed his CEMS year at Bocconi University and the University of Economics, Prague. He is working as a Category Management Intern for Groupe SEB.

1. Why did you choose to work with Groupe SEB?

25 May 2016

Bringing Corporate Social Responsibility to Life

This year’s CEMS MIM cohort at the University of Economics, Prague (VSE) was particularly keen on sustainable development & their contribution to society. Beyond global CEMS initiatives like Sustainability Week, VSE sought a way to incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into the local programme. This semester, a unique new discipline was introduced at VSE, CSR in Practice. All great changes start with small actions, and the best way to make that change happen is to start it yourself.  CEMS student Darya Hvizdalova tells us about her experience.

The CEMS MIM programme at VSE now offers its students a fantastic possibility to make somebody’s life a little bit brighter – be it an orphaned child or someone who is very ill.

25 May 2016

Multilingual staff giving organisations a competitive advantage

Although many of us tend to view English as the international language of business, strong language skills are increasingly required among employees to give organisations a competitive advantage. Thoughts by Professor Caroline Klein, Maître de langues Institut des langues vivantes at UCL, teaching for the CEMS MIM. Learn more on Changeboard: http://www.changeboard.com/content/5880/multilingual-staff-giving-organisations-a-competitive-advantage/

11 May 2016

The importance of international education on global mobility

CEMS Executive Director, Roland Siegers, disscusses with HRD Singapore how can we make sure our leaders are globally mobile and have the skills to tackle the considerable challenges of operating in an increasingly changing world: http://www.hrdmag.com.sg/opinion/opinion-the-importance-of-international-education-on-global-mobility-215352.aspx

11 May 2016

CEMS Featured in The Economist

As part of the Gulliver Business Travel section of The Economist, Professor Marie-Therese Claes, who teaches cross cultural management for the CEMS MIM, helps to shed light on the importance of manners when traveling abroad:

11 May 2016

Tailored Business

Tania Habimana is a CEMS Alumna with a vision. After 4 years working with Suitsupply, she’s venturing off to start her own company in a very unique way. “Tailored Business” is a television series in which Tania is travelling around Africa to discover the secrets of starting your own business, while also launching her own company. Tailored Business will air globally on major networks in September. We spoke with Tania to learn more.

1. How did you come up with the idea for Tailored Business?

11 May 2016

Catching up with CEMSies: Jo Skybak Holmsen with P&G

Many CEMS graduates have chosen to work with CEMS Corporate Partners. In this interview series, we investigate how they’ve been doing. Today, we catch up with Jo Skybak Holmsen, completing his CEMS year at the Norwegian School of Economics and the ESADE Business School and graduating from CEMS in 2014. He is currently working at P&G in Marketing as an Assistant Brand Manager in Digital for Olay Europe & IMEA.

1. Why did you choose to work with P&G?

09 May 2016