Running Dinner – CEMS and Friends
Saturday, February 4 at 18:30
One city, three courses – and lots of fun: Join our next edition of Running Dinner in Zurich! Together with a cooking partner you will prepare one meal and two times you will be guest at other places. During the evening you will meet many new people and discover new places in Zurich. After dinner we all meet up for drinks & party!
How it works:
We pair you up in teams of two. You and your partner will be having and making dinner together on that night at 3 different places (including your own). You will prepare one course (e.g. starters) and two other pairs will be joining you for a course at your place (that means 6 persons in total). After finishing starters all three pairs will head to three different places for the main course. So you will go to another team’s house and have the main course there, being cooked by the hosting pair. The same happens for the dessert. In total you meet 16 other people during dinner (+ your partner, who will be with you all the time)! Don’t worry, it sounds more complicated than it actually is and we will tell you when to go where!
Join our Facebook group “Running Dinner Zurich 2017 – CEMS & Friends!” for further information or send your name to until Sunday 29.01.2017. A couple of days before the event, we will inform you about your cooking partner and dinner locations (be surprised 🙂 ).
CEMS Alumni, Student and your friends – so invite more people!
Official start at 18:30 (cooking starts in the afternoon).
Various places in Zurich.
Around 22:30 all participants meet up for drinks & party