The definitive path of education

“We have plunged their muscles into inaction, we have extinguished the fire of their intelligence”. We have already turned around the words that Aleu Riera wrote more than a century ago; we have put ourselves into action and we have stoked the fire of the intelligence of women (and of men), but now we must continue to move forward. Read more from the former CEMS Chair and General Director of ESADE 2010-2018, Eugenia Bieto, on the importance of women in business education from elEconomista (in Spanish):

11 Mar 2019


Responsible management and sustainable business models was the focus of a seminar that lasted over three days at NHH in February. 34 students from NHH attended the seminar, as well as several visitors from Copenhagen Business School and ESADE Business School.


11 Mar 2019

CEMS Club Conference St Petersburg: Spring Semester 2019

The CEMS Club Conference (CCC) took place at the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University from March 1-2. The CCC is an event organized each semester by the CEMS Club Support (CCS) Function of the Student Board with the aim to gather CEMS Club Presidents (CCPs) to share knowledge and best practices, network, and to learn about global issues in the CEMS Alliance.

A total of 24 CEMS Club Presidents from around the world and three organizing members from the Student Board gathered in St. Petersburg for the spring 2019 edition of the CCC.

11 Mar 2019