CEMS Welcomes Lufthansa Group as a New Corporate Partner

The Lufthansa Group is an aviation company with worldwide operations and more than 550 subsidiaries and affiliated companies. The portfolio of companies comprises network airlines, point-to-point airlines, and aviation service companies. CEMS spoke with Remo Hauser, Director, Head of Employee Experience, Human Resources SWISS, to learn more about this great partnership.

1. Could you briefly describe Lufthansa Group’s corporate culture?

15 Jul 2019

Cultural Intelligence: How Much Do I Need to Know?

I am often asked how much we really need to know about other cultures, and whether or not “head” knowledge about cultural differences really matters. Is it not enough to be aware of possible differences in attitude and behaviors—to just “assume difference”?

Read more from Marie-Therese Claes Ph.D. a Professor of Cross-Cultural Management at Louvain School of Management, University of Louvain, Belgium. She teaches in the CEMS Masters in International Management and is part of the Global Leadership Faculty Group. She is a regular contributor on Nurturing Cultural Intelligence from Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/nurturing-cultural-intelligence/201907/cultural-intelligence-how-much-do-i-need-know

12 Jul 2019